viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

The Pillars of the Earth. Amazing.

It doesn´t happen too often, but when you feel it it´s great.

I have spent last two months thinking on just one thing: Ken Follet´s masterpiece. On my way to my morning job, thinking on the book; on my way to my evening job, thinking on the book; with my friends, speaking about the book. No movies, no series, just The pillars of the earth.

Prior Philip, Aliena, Tom, Ellen, William Hamleigh, Jack or Bishop Waleran... all of them so different and so deep. The whole story is organized like a perfect script, drawing continuos up and dows, with sour pages followed by the sweet ones.

This heavy book has gone with me in my bag more than eight weeks and i can´t tell you anything else. Just read it.

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